3044am永利集团3044noc2022年高性能数值计算暑期研讨班于7月12至8月23日(每周二上午9:00-12:00,每周五上午10:00-11:30)如期举行,来自俄亥俄州立大学的邢雨龙教授围绕“High performance numerical method for the hyperbolic conservation laws”作了系统的学术报告。3044am永利集团3044noc数值计算方向的师生及来自国内8所高校的师生共聚云端,就科研中遇到的问题进行了深入地交流、学习。

图1 邢玉龙教授作报告

图2 报告内容
图3 讨论过程
Prof. Yulong Xing is a professor in the Department of Mathematics at the Ohio State University (OSU). He received his bachelor degree from University of Science and Technology of China in 2002, and Ph.D. in Mathematics from Brown University in 2006 under the supervision of Prof. Chi-Wang Shu. Prior to joining OSU, he worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher at Courant Institute, New York University, a staff scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, a joint assistant professor at University of Tennessee Knoxville, and an assistant professor at University of California Riverside. He works in the area of numerical analysis and scientific computing, wave propagation, computational fluid dynamics. His research focuses on the design, analysis and applications of accurate and efficient numerical methods for partial differential equations arising from science and engineering problems. He has received a CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation.