张翔宇,1982年3月生,河南省鹿邑县人。2005年商丘师范学院物理学专业学士毕业,2015年西安交通大学电子科学与技术专业博士毕业,陕西师范大学物理学博士后现为3044am永利集团3044noc工程师,陕西省物理学会会员,Scientific Reports, Dalton Transaction, Journal of Luminescence, Journal of Advanced Dielectrics, Chinese Physics B等国际期刊的审稿人。
姓名 |
一级学科 |
二级学科 |
具体研究方向 |
张翔宇 |
0702 物理学 |
070207 光学 |
稀土掺杂发光 |
张翔宇 |
0702 物理学 |
070205 凝聚态物理 |
氟化物微纳晶体的控制合成 |
(1)张翔宇, 王晋国, 徐春龙, 潘渊, 侯兆阳, 丁健, 程琳, 高当丽, NaYF4:Tm3+纳米棒中激光脉宽调控的荧光选择输出特性,物理学报,2016, 65(20),204205. (SCI)
(2)Xiangyu Zhang,Minqiang Wang,Jijun Ding,Xiaohui Song,Jing Liu,Jinyou Shao,andYajingLi,LiYF4:Yb3+, Er3+upconverting submicro-particles: synthesis and formation mechanism exploration,RSC Advances, 2014,4,40223–40231. (SCI二区, 影响因子:3.289,被引次数:5)
(3)Xiangyu Zhang, Minqiang Wang, Jijun Ding, Jianping Deng, Chenxin Ran, Zhi Yang.The synthesis and mechanism exploration of europium-doped LiYF4micro-octahedron phosphors with multilevel interiors,Dalton Transactions, 2014,43(14): 5453-5461. (SCI二区, 影响因子:4.177,被引次数:8)
(4)Xiangyu Zhang,Minqiang Wang,Jijun Ding. Shape-selected synthesis, characterization and upconversion improvement of Yb3+/Er3+doped LiYF4microphosphors through pH tuning,RSC Advances, 2014,4, 29165–29172. (SCI二区, 影响因子:3.289,被引次数:5)
(5)Xiangyu Zhang, Minqiang Wang, Jijun Ding, Dangli Gao,Yanhua Shi and Xiaohui Song. The novel upconversion properties of LiYbF4:Er microcrystals compared to the Na counterpart,CrystEngComm, 2012, 14, 8357–8360. (SCI二区, 影响因子:3.849,被引次数:12)
(6)张翔宇, 李林, 毛多鹭, 李海琴, 裴生雷, 李仲, 马元良, 张以生,稀土掺杂氟化物纳米晶体的合成机理和光谱特性,中国科学:物理学力学天文学,2013,43: 23–30.(国内权威,被引次数:6)
(7) 徐春龙, 王晋国,张翔宇, Tm3+掺杂的NaYF4微米颗粒中强烈的单带下转换荧光发射,物理化学学报, 2015, 31(11), 2183-2190. (SCI,被引次数:2)
(8) Dangli Gao,Xiangyu Zhang, Bo Chong, Guoqing Xiao, Dongping Tian, Simultaneous spectra and dynamics processes tuning of a single upconversion microtube through Yb3+doping concentration and excitation power,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2017,19, 4288-4296. (SCI 2区, 影响因子:4.449)
(9) Dangli Gao, Dongping Tian,Xiangyu Zhang,Wei Gao, Simultaneous quasi-one-dimensional propagation and tuning of upconversion luminescence through waveguide effect,Scientific Reports, 2016,6, 22433. (Nature出版集团旗下刊物, 影响因子:5.228,被引次数:6)
(10)Dangli Gao,Xiangyu Zhang, andJunshan Zhang, The effects of structural characterization on the luminescence of Eu3+-doped fluoride nano/microcrystals,CrystEngComm, 2014,16, 11115–11121. (SCI 2区, 影响因子:3.849,被引次数:6)
(11)Dangli Gao,Xiangyu Zhang, Wei Gao, Formation of Bundle-Shaped β-NaYF4Upconversion Microtubes via Ostwald Ripening,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2013,5, 9732−9739. (SCI 1区, 影响因子:7.145,被引次数:33)
(12)Dangli Gao,Xiangyu Zhang,Hairong Zheng, Peng Shi, Long Li, Yawen Ling, Codopant ion-induced tunable upconversion emission in β-NaYF4:Yb3+/Tm3+nanorods,DaltonTransactions,2013,42(5), 1834–1841. (SCI 2区, 影响因子:4.177,被引次数:25)
(13)Dangli Gao,Xiangyu Zhang,Hairong Zheng,Wei Gao,Enjie He,Yb3+/Er3+codoped β-NaYF4microrods: Synthesis and tuning of multicolor upconversion,Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2013,554, 395–399. (SCI 2区, 影响因子:3.014,被引次数:39)
序号 |
项目类型 |
项目编号 |
项目来源 |
项目名称 |
起止日期 |
负责人 |
合同金额(万元) |
1 |
纵向 |
310812171004 |
中央高校基金 |
Yb/Er共掺LiYF4单颗粒微晶荧光能级布局调控机制研究 |
2016/10—2018/10 |
张翔宇 |
5万元 |
序号 |
时间 |
课程名称 |
学时 |
讲授对象 |
1 |
2015.09-2016.01 |
大学物理 |
98.5 |
大二本科生 |
2 |
2016.03-2016.07 |
大学物理实验 |
295 |
大二本科生 |
3 |
2016.09-2017.01 |
大学物理实验 |
236 |
大二本科生 |
4 |
2017.03-2016.07 |
大学物理实验 |
302 |
大二本科生 |