侯兆阳,1980年10月生,河南省南阳市人。2003年湖南大学应用物理专业学士毕业,2008年湖南大学大学材料加工专业博士毕业现为3044am永利集团3044noc教授,中国材料学会会员,《Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids》、《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》、《Philosophical Magazine》和《Materials & Design》等杂志审稿人。

姓名 |
一级学科 |
二级学科 |
具体研究方向 |
侯兆阳 |
0702 物理学 |
070105 凝聚态物理 |
液-固相变机理 |
侯兆阳 |
0805材料科学与工程 |
080501材料物理与化学 |
亚稳材料的结构表征 |
侯兆阳 |
0801 力学 |
080102 固体力学 |
材料变形的微观机制 |
(1) Cooling rate dependence of solidification for liquid aluminium: a large-scale molecular dynamics simulation study.Hou Zhaoyang*, Dong Kejun, Tian Zean, Liu Rangsu, Wang Zhen, Wang Jinguo. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2016, 18: 17461-17469. (SCI收录,2区,被引3次)
(2) Atomic dynamics of grain boundaries in bulk nanocrystalline aluminium: A molecular dynamics simulation study.Hou Zhaoyang*, Tian Zean, Mo Yunfei, Liu Rangsu, Wang Jinguo, Shuai Xuemin, Dong Kejun. Computational Materials Science, 2015, 108: 177-182. (SCI收录,3区,被引3次)
(3) Formation mechanism of bulk nanocrystalline aluminium by liquid quenching: A molecular dynamics simulation study.Hou Zhaoyang*, Tian Zean, Liu Rangsu, Dong Kejun, Yu Aibing. Computational Materials Science, 2015, 99: 256-261. (SCI收录,3区,被引7次)
(4) A new method for structural characterization of atomic clusters in solidification processes of liquid metals.侯兆阳*,刘让苏,田泽安,王晋国. 原子与分子物理学报,2015, (2): 232-240.
(5) Local atomic structures in grain boundaries of bulk nanocrystalline aluminium:Hou Zhaoyang*, Tian Zean, Mo Yufei, Liu Rangsu. A molecular dynamics simulation study. Computational Materials Science, 2014, 92: 199-205. (SCI收录,3区,被引6次)
(6) Molecular dynamics simulation of relationship between local structure and dynamics during glass transition of Mg7Zn3 alloy.Hou Zhaoyang*, Liu Rangsu, Xu Chunlong, Shuai Xuemin, Shu Yu. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2014, 24: 1086-1093. (SCI收录,4区,被引4次)
(7) Dynamic mechanism of liquid-glass tranisiton for Mg7Zn3alloy.Hou Zhaoyang*, Liu Rangsu, Xu Chunlong, Li Xiaoting. Modern Physics Letters B, 2013, 27: 1350071. (SCI收录,4区,被引1次)
(8) Atomic mechanism of liquid-glass transition in Ca7Mg3alloy.Hou Zhaoyang*, Liu Lixia, Tian Zean, Liu Rangsu, Shu Yu, Wang Jinguo. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2012, 116: 7746-7753. (SCI收录,3区,被引6次)
(9) Crystallization characteristics in supercooled liquid zinc during isothermal relaxation: A molecular dynamics simulation study. Zhou Lili, Liu Rangsu*, Tian Zean, Liu Hairong,Hou Zhaoyang,Peng Ping. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 31653. (SCI收录,2区,被引1次)
(10) The investigation of chemical interaction and energy level alignment at Bepp2/Fe65Co35 interface. Wang Zhen*, Pan Weiwei, Wang Jinguo, Xu Chunlong,Hou Zhaoyang, Zuo Yalu, Xi Li. Applied Surface Science, 2016, 370: 169-175. (SCI收录,2区,被引1次)
(11) Molecular dynamics study on microstructural evolution during crystallization of rapidly supercooled zirconium melts. Mo Yunfei, Tian Zean*, Liu Rangsu,Hou Zhaoyang, Zhou Lili, Peng Ping, Zhang Haitao, Liang Yongchao. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, 688: 654-665. (SCI收录,2区,被引1次)
(12) Non-linear effects of initial melt temperatures on microstructures and mechanical properties during quenching process of liquid Cu46Zr54alloy. Mo Yunfei, Liu Rangsu*,Tian Zean, Liang Yongchao, Zhang Haitao,Hou Zhaoyang, Liu Hairong, Zhang Ailong, Zhou Lili, Peng Ping, Xie Zhong. Physica B-Condensed Matter,2015,465:81-88. (SCI收录,4区,被引2次)
(13) Formation and evolution of nano-clusters in a large-scale system of Cu-Zr alloy during rapid solidification process. Mo, Yunfei, Liu Rangsu*, Liang Yongchao, Zhang Haitao, Tian Zean,Hou Zhaoyang, Liu Hairong, Zhou Lili, Peng Ping, Gao Tinghong. Computational Materials Science, 2015, 98: 1-9. (SCI收录,3区,被引2次)
(14) Structural evolution during crystallization of rapidly super-cooled copper melt. Mo Yunfei, Tian Zean*, Liu Rangsu,Hou Zhaoyang,Wang Chuncheng. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2015, 421: 14-19. (SCI收录,4区,被引1次)
(15) A DFT study on the heredity-induced coalescence of icosahedral basic clusters in the rapid solidification. Jiang Yuanqi, Peng Ping*, Wen Dadong, Han Shaochao,Hou Zhaoyang. Computational Materials Science, 2015, 99: 156-163. (SCI收录,3区,被引2次)
(16) Influence of icosahedral order on the second peak splitting of pair distribution function for Mg70Zn30 metallic glass. Liang Yongchao, Liu Rangsu*, Mo Yunfei, Liu Hairong, Tian Zean, Zhou Qinyi, Zhang Haitao, Zhou Lili,Hou Zhaoyang, Peng Ping. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014, 597: 269-274. (SCI收录,2区,被引9次)
(17) A versatile chemical conversion synthesis of Cu2S nanotubes and the photovoltaic activities for dye-sensitized solar cell. Shuai Xuemin*, Shen Wenzhong,Hou Zhaoyang, Ke Sanmin, Xu Chunlong, Jiang Cheng. Nanoscale Research Letters, 2014, 9: 1-6. (SCI收录,2区,被引2次)
(18) Simulation study on non-linear effects of initial melt temperatures on microstructures during solidification process of liquid Mg7Zn3 alloy. Liu Rangsu*, Liang Yongchao, Liu Hairong, Zheng Naichao, Mo Yunfei,HouZhaoyang, Zhou Lili, Peng Ping. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2013, 23: 1052-1060. (SCI收录,4区,被引5次)
(19) Microstructural evolution and martensitic transformation mechanisms during solidification processes of liquid metal Pb. Zhou Lili, Liu Rangsu*, Tian Zean, Liu Hairong,Hou Zhaoyang, Peng Ping, Liu Quanhui. Philosophical Magazine, 2012, 92: 571-585. (SCI收录,3区,被引4次)
(20) Kinetic details of crystallization in supercooled liquid Pb during the isothermal relaxation. Zhou LiLi, Liu Rangsu*, Tian Zean, Liu Hairong,Hou Zhaoyang, Peng Ping, Zhu Xuanmin, Liu Quanhui. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2012, 407: 240-245. (SCI收录,4区,被引12次)
(1) Short-range and medium-range order in rapidly quenched Al50Mg50alloy.Hou Zhaoyang*, Liu Lixia, Liu Rangsu, Tian Zean, Wang Jinguo. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2011, 357: 1430-1436. (SCI收录,4区,被引12次)
(2) Short-range and medium-range order in Ca7Mg3metallic glass.Hou Zhaoyang*, Liu Lixia,Liu Rangsu, Tian Zean, Wang Jinguo. Journal of Applied Physics, 2010, 107: 083511-7. (SCI收录,3区,被引22次)
(3) Kinetic details of nucleation in supercooled liquid Na: a simulation tracing study.Hou Zhaoyang*, Liu Lixia, Liu Rangsu, Tian Zean, Wang Jinguo. Chemical Physics Letters, 2010, 491: 172-176. (SCI收录,3区,被引3次)
(4) Tracing Nucleation and growth on atomic level in amorphous sodium by molecular dynamics simulation.Hou Zhaoyang*, Liu Lixia, Liu Rangsu, Tian Zean. Chinese Physics Letters, 2010, 27: 036101-4. (SCI收录,4区,被引3次)
(5) Simulation study on the evolution of thermodynamic, structural and dynamic properties during the crystallization process of liquid Na.Hou Zhaoyang*, Liu Lixia, Liu Rangsu.Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2009, 17: 035001-12. (SCI收录,4区,被引2次)
(6) Al-Mg合金熔体快速凝固过程中微观结构演化机理的模拟研究.侯兆阳*, 刘丽霞, 刘让苏.物理学报, 2009, 58: 4817-4825. (SCI收录,4区,被引10次)
(7) Formation mechanism of critical nucleus during nucleation process of liquid metal sodium.Hou Zhaoyang*, Liu Rangsu, Liu Hairong, Tian Zean, Wang Xin, Zhou Q Y, Chen Z H. Journal of Chemical Physics, 2007, 127: 174503-9. (SCI收录,4区,被引34次)
(8) Simulation study on the formation and evolution properties of nano-clusters in rapid solidification structures of sodium.Hou Zhaoyang*, Liu R S, Liu H R, Wang X, Tian Z A, Zhou Q Y, Chen Z H. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2007, 15: 911-922. (SCI收录,4区,被引11次)
(9) 熔体初始温度对液态金属Na凝固过程中微观结构影响的模拟研究.侯兆阳*, 刘让苏, 王鑫, 田泽安, 周群益, 陈振华. 物理学报, 2007, 56: 376-383. (SCI收录,4区,被引17次)
(10)冷速对液态金属Na凝固过程中微观结构影响的模拟研究.侯兆阳*, 刘让苏, 李琛珊, 周群益, 郑采星. 物理学报, 2005, 54: 5723-5729. (SCI收录,4区,被引16次)
1、近五年主持的科研项目 (2012.1.1-2016.12.31)
序号 |
项目类型 |
项目编号 |
项目来源 |
项目名称 |
起止日期 |
负责人 |
合同金额(万元) |
1 |
纵向 |
51101022 |
国家自然科学基金 |
过冷熔体形核初期团簇动力学行为和热力 学特性的模拟研究 |
2012/01-2014/12 |
侯兆阳 |
25 |
2 |
纵向 |
2016JM5055 |
陕西省自然科学基金 |
纳米晶材料中孪生结构特征对其力学性能和形变机理影响的模拟研究 |
2016/01-2017/12 |
侯兆阳 |
3 |
3 |
纵向 |
310812152001 |
中央高校基本科研业务费 |
高强韧性纳米孪晶金属的结构设计与强韧化机制 |
2015/01-2016/12 |
侯兆阳 |
15 |
序号 |
时间 |
课程名称 |
学时 |
讲授对象 |
1 |
2016-09~2016-12 |
大学物理(2) |
60 |
本科生 |
2 |
2016-02~2016-06 |
固体物理 |
54 |
本科生 |
3 |
2016-02~2016-06 |
大学物理(1) |
50 |
本科生 |
4 |
2015-08~2015-12 |
大学物理(2) |
60 |
本科生 |
5 |
2015-08~2015-12 |
大学物理实验 |
120 |
本科生 |
6 |
2015-02~2015-12 |
大学物理(1) |
50 |
本科生 |
7 |
2015-02~2015-12 |
固体物理 |
54 |
本科生 |
8 |
2014-09~2014-12 |
大学物理(2) |
60 |
本科生 |
9 |
2014-09~2014-12 |
大学物理实验 |
120 |
本科生 |
10 |
2012-08~2012-12 |
大学物理(2) |
60 |
本科生 |
11 |
2012-08~2012-12 |
大学物理实验 |
120 |
本科生 |
12 |
2012-02~2012-06 |
大学物理(1) |
50 |
本科生 |
13 |
2012-02~2012-06 |
固体物理 |
54 |
本科生 |