
姓名 |
一级学科 |
二级学科 |
具体研究方向 |
张红艳 |
0801力学 |
080102 固体力学 |
智能材料非线性力学行为 |
[1] Stochastic finite element modeling and response analysis of rotor systems with random properties under random loads,Hongyan Zhang, Changqing Bai, Yijun Mao Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2015, 29 (8) 3083-3090(SCI(4区),EI 检索)
[2] 螺栓连接接触非线性对钢结构动力学特性的影响,张红艳白长青 林旭 马华林,应用力学学报 2015,32(4),570-574
[3] 单壁碳纳米管在癌症激光热疗中的热分析,张红艳白长青 杜建科,应用力学学报 2014,31(1),122-125
[4] Effect of initial stress on the lateral modes in 1-3 piezocomposite.Hongyan Zhang, Yapeng Shen, Yueming Li, Xuesong Mei. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures,2013, 20 (2):122-129 (SCI(4区),EI检索)
[5] Almost sure asymptotic stability of rotor systems subjected to stochastical axial loads. Changqing Bai,Hongyan Zhang, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2012, 58: 192-201.(SCI,EI检索)
[6] Nonlinear static analyisis of an asphalt concrete core dam for comparison of three constitutive models. Hong Zhang,Hongyan Zhang, Jianke Du. Archives of civil engineering. 2012 (4): 503-519(EI 检索)
[7] Subharmonic Resonance of a Symmetric Ball Bearing-Rotor System. Changqing Bai, Hongyan Zhang, Qingyu Xu, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2013, 50: 1-10. (SCI,EI检索)
[8] A partition expansion method for nonlinear response analysis of stochastic dynamic systems with local nonlinearity. Changqing Bai, Hongyan Zhang, ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 2013, 8(3): 1-7. (SCI,EI检索)
[9] A weak energy-momentum method for stochastic instability induced by dissipation and random excitations, Changqing Bai, Hongyan Zhang, Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 2014 37: 35-40. (SCI,EI检索)
[10] 复合环境下直升机旋翼动力特性分析, 杨亚涛,白长青,张红艳,蔡建程,杜建科.应用力学学报,2014,31(3):446-451.
[11] 一种I型冲击气流衰减器, 第二署名,发明专利,专利号:ZL 2013 10390226.2
[1] Modeling of poling behavior of ferroelectric 3-3 composites.H. Y. Zhang, L. X. Li, Y.P. Shen. International Journal of Engineering Science. Vol.43 (2005): 1138-1156 (EI:05389371621 SCI:972CZ)
[2] Vibration suppression of laminated plates with 1-3 piezoelectric fiber-reinforced composite layers equipped with Interdigitated electrodes.H. Y. Zhang, Y. P. Shen. Composite structures vol.79(2007):220-228(SCI: 164UP (3次) EI: 071010475113)
[3] Three dimensional analysis for rectangular 1-3 piezoelectric fiber-reinforced composite laminates with the interdigitated electrodes under electromechanical loadings.H. Y. Zhang, Y. P. Shen. Composites Part B: Engineering, vol.37(n7-8), 2006, 603-611(EI:063110041180,SCI:079EN)
[4] Lateral resonances in initial stressed 1-3 piezocomposites.H. Y. Zhang, Y. P. Shen, G. S. Yin. Applied mathematics and mechanics. 2007, 28 (n.7), 873-888 (SCI: 190JI,EI检索)
[5] Static and dynamic response analysis for 1-3 piezocomposite laminates with interdigitated electrodes.Zhang, Hongyan,Bai, Changqing,Li Yueming. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2010, 33(3,4): 927-934.(SCI:673KY EI:20105113509737 )
[6] Experimental and Numerical studies on the performance of Macro Fiber Composites for beam twisting applicationsH.Y. ZhangY.P. Shen , Acta Mechanica solida Sinica, 2011, 24: 47-53
[7] 3-3型压电复合材料的有限元模型及材料参数对 其性能的影响.张红艳, 李录贤,沈亚鹏. 复合材料学报, vol.22 no.2 (2005): 160-165(EI: 05229137079)
[8] 具有叉指式电极的1-3 型压电复合材料层合板力电耦合行为的三维精确分析.张红艳,沈亚鹏. 固体力学学报.2007, 28 (n3):235-240 (EI源刊)
[9] 具有初应力的1-3型压电复合材料的横向共振分析,张红艳,沈亚鹏. 尹冠生.,应用数学和力学2007,.28(n.7), 780-788
[10] 多自由度复杂结构的TMD调谐减震控制研究.,张红艳白长青 许庆余. 应用力学学报2008,25(4)583-587
[11] 粗纤维压电复合材料(MFC)对旋翼桨叶模型扭转控制的实验及数值研究”张红艳白长青 沈亚鹏 应用力学学报,2009,26(3), 456-461
[12] 三种本构沥青混凝土心墙土石坝特性,张红艳白长青王文进 余梁蜀,应用力学学报 2010,27(4), 709-715
序号 |
项目类型 |
项目编号 |
项目来源 |
项目名称 |
起止日期 |
负责人 |
合同金额(万元) |
1 |
纵向 |
11002106 |
国家自然科学基金 |
MFC智能旋翼振动控制 |
2011.1-2013.12 |
张红艳 |
22 |
2 |
纵向 |
2014JM1023 |
陕西省自然科学基金 |
MFC智能旋翼非线性气弹动力学建模及振动控制 |
2014.5-2016.5 |
张红艳 |
2 |
序号 |
项目类型 |
项目编号 |
项目来源 |
项目名称 |
起止日期 |
负责人 |
合同金额(万元) |
1 |
纵向 |
2009JQ1008 |
陕西省自然科学基金 |
粗压电纤维复合材料非线性特性及其振动控制应用研究 |
2010.1-2011.12 |
张红艳 |
3 |
2 |
纵向 |
20090451382 |
中国博士后科学基金 |
MFC智能旋翼非线性气弹动力学建模及振动控制 |
2009.1-2010.12 |
张红艳 |
3 |
序号 |
时间 |
课程名称 |
学时 |
讲授对象 |
1 |
2012.1~2012.12 |
材料力学 |
497 |
本科生 |
2 |
2013.1~2013.12 |
专业英语 |
60 |
本科生 |
3 |
2014.1~2014.12 |
大型结构分析软件 |
40 |
本科生 |
4 |
2015.1~2015.12 |
材料力学 |
418 |
本科生 |
5 |
2014.1~2014.7 |
专用软件使用 |
40 |
研究生 |
6 |
2015.1~2015.12 |
材料力学 |
80 |
本科生 |
1)2009年获陕西省科学技术奖 一等奖。
5) 2016年获微课竞赛校级一等奖。